Rockport Sermon

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Worship in Singing for Sunday 11/01/2009

As we think about coming together to sing praises together tomorrow. I thought that it might be helpful to post a little information about one of the songs. I didn't really know the background of "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" so I decided to do a quick, non-exhaustive, search and to share that with you. But first, here is the list of songs we will be singing tomorrow.

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Merciful God
Jesus I am Resting
How Deep the Father's Love for Us

"All Hail the Power of Jesus Name."

Some years ago, missionary E. P. Scott went to India. He set out to visit a remote mountain tribe which had never heard the name of Christ. As he neared their land, he was suddenly surrounded by a savage band of warriors, all pointing their spears straight at his heart. Expecting a quick death, the missionary pulled out his violin and began playing and singing in their native language the hymn "All hail the power of Jesus' name." He reached the stanza that reads:

Let every tribe and every tongue
On this terrestrial ball
To him all majesty ascribe
And crown him Lord of all...

The natives lowered their weapons and some were in tears. E. P. Scott spent the rest of his life ministering to these primitive people.

The hymn which so effectively moved this Indian tribe is often referred to as the "National Anthem of Christendom" and has been translated into almost every language where there are Christians. The author of the hymn, Edward Perronet was the descendent of a French Huguenot family which fled first to Switzerland and then to England to escape religious persecution. Perronet was a pastor who worked closely with John and Charles Wesley for many years in England's eighteenth- century revival.

At that time, Methodists were savagely persecuted. According to John Wesley's diary, Edward did not escape his share of abuse either. "Edward Perronet was thrown down and rolled in mud and mire" at Bolton, he wrote.

Edward was uneasy about preaching in front of John Wesley. Wesley urged him to do so several times. Finally, Wesley forced the issue. He announced that Brother Perronet would speak the following week. A week later, witty Edward mounted the pulpit and declared he would deliver the greatest sermon ever preached. He then read Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" and sat down!

During his life, Edward published three volumes of Christian poems, including a poetic rendering of the Scriptures. Shortly before he died on this day, January 2, l792, his last words were,

"Glory to God in the height of His divinity! Glory to God in the depth of his humanity! Glory to God in His all suffering! Into His hands I commend my spirit."


  1. Adapted from an earlier Christian History Institute story by Diane Severance.
  2. "All Hail the Power."
  3. "Edward Perronet."
  4. Routley, Erik. Hymns and the Faith. Greenwich, Connecticut: Seabury Press, 1956.
  5. Wells, Amos R. A Treasure of Hymns; Brief biographies of 120 leading hymn- writers and Their best hymns. Boston: W. A. Wilde company, 1945.

Looking forward to a great time of worshiping the Lord together tomorrow @ Rockport. For those who follow this blog, don't forget to visit us and follow us on facebook as well!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ministry Within and For the Family

The following reminder was sent out to our church by one of our elders, Will Jackson. I thought it was worth posting here.

Brothers in Christ

I've been wanting to say something about the priority God has given us in ministry. I think most of us know this, but maybe a reminder is helpful. We are to be a people fruitful in good works. God has prepared good works for us to walk in. Because of God's work in us, we are zealous for good works (Titus 2:14). But that starts with caring for our wives and then raising up our children. If we neglect them in order to do any kind of "church work", we are out of God's will.

What does caring for our wives look like? I'm sure it varies from marriage to marriage, but surely it's more than just providing for their physical needs. We are so busy in our culture, but take even what may seem like drastic action in order to have time to care for your wives.

I don't want to be legalistic, but praying with my wife on a regular basis for her, and together for our family, seems like one of the basics in the life of a Christian husband. My brother-in-law and sister would read a Psalm and pray together every night before going to bed. My parents would pray together each night before going to bed. I think that many of you have some kind of a routine like this. If you don't, I encourage you to work on it. Over the years it will be a precious thing through which the Lord will work and bless you, your marriage and your family.

Regularly taking a little time to open up the Scriptures and read to your children, making a few comments for understanding or application, seems to me another one of those basics when it comes to Christian parenting. Somehow make it a part of your routine; maybe right before dinner or right after breakfast, etc.

The command of Jesus is to love our neighbors. In the original, it doesn't necessarily mean those that live in the house next to us. It means those near us. No one is nearer to us than our wives and children. Caring for and ministering to them is the good work God has given for us to do.

Yours in Christ,