Rockport Sermon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Among the Elders - May 21, 2009

This is a summary of our most recent meeting. We began, as always, by discussing known needs within the body. We especially gave attention to Doris L and Nancy P, both of whom have been ill. We also discussed the spiritual needs of some of our members, and considered some who may need some kind of follow up.

We reviewed the events that are scheduled for this summer
* Including the week’s pastor Scott will be out of town
* May 31st – Sunday School Teachers luncheon
* Summer Conference for men, scheduled for June 20-21
* Men’s Camp-out / Float Trip in July or August

We then moved on to “old business” – items we’ve discussed before but still need our attention.

1) Sale of property to the Fire Department is Final – and we are now completely debt free!
- We received $125,000 - $ 68,000 (parsonage) = $57,000
- We partially paid ourselves back $10,000 of money used to remodel basement.
- The remaining $47,000 was placed in the Money Market “Capital Improvement” Fund
- That leaves $71,000 + $47,000 = $118,000 total current.
- Extra $500/month savings (from parsonage) put in money market for now

2) A Building Expansion Team is being assembled and will begin their work on June 7th
- Their main task will be to study various ways to increase space for our congregation
- They will then report back to the elders with a recommendation
- The elders will then make recommendation to the congregation for what we must do next

3) We discussed what our “policy” should be for children in the worship service
- We have set up an audio/video feed in the fellowship hall as a “cry room”.
- We plan on mounting speakers in the foyer
- Pastor Scott wrote up our “policy” and placed it in the bulletin this past Sunday

4) We discussed how we might do a better job as a church, in the following areas:
- Discipling young men and young women
- Strengthening our families
- Helping those in financial need through Acts 4
All these remain matters of regular prayer

We then talked about a few minor matters that had come up since our last meeting
- including a policy that we not allow our nice camera to be taken out of the building for events
- And our desire to have a fellowship fro Brig and Michelle before they leave us

We then spent a season in prayer, praying for the body of Christ at Rockport, the many needs we are aware of, and asking God for direction and revival.

Humbly submitted

Pastor Scott for all the elders

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